Versatile Blogger Award and Nominees


A week ago, as I was doing my routine blog surfing, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Oksana Mylchik of My Soap Factories had nominated SoapJam for the Versatile Blogger Award.  Thank you so much, Oksana! I am honored and humbled to have my blog considered for this award.  It’s like getting an early gift for my upcoming first soap anniversary, this April 3. 🎉

Congratulations to all the other wonderful bloggers who were also nominated by Oksana. To find out who they are, head over to Oksana’s blog!

(Copied from

If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.

  •  Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!)
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.


1.  Aomori Workshop

2.  Bubbles in My Head

3.  Curious Soapmaker

4.  Diva Soap

5.  Ecoviolet

6.  Elephantine

7.  Five Messy Babies

8.  Humblebee & Me

9.  I’d Lather be Soaping

10.  Infusions

11.  Kotikemistin Pieni Paja

12.  Moj Sapun

13.  Oil and Butter

14.  Tenth Avenue Soapworks

15.  The Soap Mine


Coincidentally, I had just decided to write 40 Things About Me🌻.


20 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award and Nominees

  1. Mushu handmade

    Congratulations Sylvia! I am glad that you got the award, you deserve it. I am also glad that you nominated Diva soap and Moj sapun, they are brilliant women and very talented fellow soapmakers. I am following your blog for a few months and I really like it. Keep up the good work!

    1. soapjam Post author

      Thank you, Mushu Handmade, and nice to meet you! I went to your page and I love it! You guys are so creative. 🙂 I totally agree, Diva Soap and Moj Sapun are some of my favorite blogs. 🙂

    1. soapjam Post author

      Oh yeah, we share many favorite blogs. 🙂
      I admire your passion for making soap and the life you breathe into your blog, Maja. You have a natural flair. And I like all those photos! 🙂

  2. ecovioletsoap

    Silvia, Congratulations on the award and thanks for nominating me! I also follow some of the above blogs and they awesome. There are a few that are new to me – I am excited to check out and be inspired!

    1. soapjam Post author

      Thank you, JV! I look forward to reading more about your soapy creations. If you can sew trousers and make beautiful handbags, among other things, I bet you will be making soap like a pro in no time. 🙂

  3. Monica

    Congratulations on the nomination Silvia! You totally rock the blogging world, and I’m honoured that you nominated me amongst all those other very talented and amazing people. I love these pay it forward awards because they just show what a wonderful community the blogging world is.

  4. Gordana

    Congratulations Silivia, you really deserved it! Thank you so much for nomination! It will not be easy at all to nominate since majority of blogs you listed are also my favorites 🙂

    1. soapjam Post author

      Aww, thank you, Gordana! I get my inspiration from all the people I’ve met through blogging.
      Maja said the same thing. I’m sorry it’s not going to be so easy for both of you to pick your nominees. 🙂 the rules said that you can also nominate a blog you have just recently discovered.

    1. soapjam Post author

      I’m touched to know that you enjoy reading my blog, Maya. I really enjoy reading yours, too. I don’t know what it is, but I find your blog very calming.

  5. Vicki

    Ah Silvia – congratulations! I think you know already how much I love your blog – and it’s clear that so many others do too!
    Thank you so much for nominating The Soap Mine, I am so chuffed that you’ve included it in your nominations :0).
    Now, I don’t know whether I’ve mentioned it (hahahahaha!!) but I’m moving soon (next week eeek!!) so its all a bit crazy at the moment, but I will post my nominations once it’s all calmed down a bit. I’m guessing we can’t duplicate? I’m a big fan of a few you’ve mentioned, but there are others that are new to me that I’m looking forward to checking out!

  6. Cee

    Congrats Silvia, you totally deserve the nomination, yours blog is one of my favorites to follow 🙂 It’s nice to be able to discover these new ones through your blog too. 🙂 Thank you so much for nominating Oil & Butter too, I’m so thrilled to be listed alongside all of those wonderful bloggers!

  7. Marika

    I have really enjoyed reading about your soapy experiments 🙂 And thank you for the nomination. Now I have to think about some interesting things about myself.

  8. Jenny

    Congrats, Silvia! I enjoy your blog and reading about you and your soapy adventures. And thank you so much for mentioning “I’d Lather Be Soaping”!


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