Merry Christmas

It has been a while since I posted and this has constantly been on my mind.  After all, this blog and soapmaking are my babies – born one month apart.  It’s just that it is much faster for me to post pictures and updates primarily on Instagram, and secondarily on Facebook.  I hope you follow me there!

Last Sunday was my last day to make soap for the year.  It’s nice to see my kitchen free of soapmaking clutter!  There’s still a lot of things to do and finish before my husband and I leave for Tokyo, where we will be spending the New Year.  I am really looking forward to this break and to see Maya again!

For those of you who have been following my blog, you know that I have a beloved shih-tzu named Chewie. He is currently in doggie hospital for ehrlichia, a serious bacterial infection transmitted by ticks.  Not only that, he needs his gallbladder removed for stones, but I am still hoping that the reading is wrong, or that the stones would miraculously dissolve, so that he would not require surgery.  He is staying in the hospital until we come back.  Please send him prayers and healing energy.

To close the year, I leave you with these holiday soaps I made.  See you again in 2016!  Wishing you all a Joyful Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, and Peaceful New Year!

Gift Basket 2

Gift Basket

jack frost

Jack Frost





Red Currant and Pine 1

Red Currant and Pine

Vanilla Mint

Vanilla Mint


16 thoughts on “Merry Christmas

  1. Jolene

    Merry Christmas to you! Good thoughts and prayers to Chewie!!! I don’t know Maya personally but say hi to her…but wait, she doesn’t know me…Lol.

    Have a great and safe trip Silvia!

    1. soapjam Post author

      I will say hi to Maya for you, nonetheless. Haha! We don’t know most soapmakers personally but through their blogs or social media presence, it feels like we know them. 😀
      Thank you for your well wishes, Jolene. It’s very much appreciated. Have a great Christmas with your loved ones! 😊

  2. pinksudzsoap

    Awesome soaps! I am also sorry to read about your doggie. I hope he pulls through OK and is on the mend soon.
    I also struggle with my blog as well. I find myself posting on Facebook and not much on my blog. I hope to be better in 2016. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and an awesome 2016! 🙂

    1. soapjam Post author

      Hi Roxanne! It’s good to blog again and connect with blogging “classmates” and readers. Like you, I hope to be better in 2016, or specifically, to be more regular even if it means blogging just once a month. Thank you for your well wishes for Chewie. It means a lot to me. Have a great holiday season, Roxanne! 😊

  3. Maja

    Hi dear Silvia!
    I’m not as active at blogging (read:writing and reading others blogs) as I was and not even in fb groups, but I’m very interested in what you all do.
    Your soaps are gorgeous, as always, I’m sure you’re having a great selling season .
    Wishing you all the best for the New Year and wonderful time in Tokyo. Also,keeping my fingers crossed the doggie will do great!
    Sending you tons of love&hugs & kisses!

    1. soapjam Post author

      Like you, I have not been as active with blogging and FB groups, but I really miss my blogging friends! Miss you, my friend. 🙂 Thank you for your well wishes and I hope you have a most enjoyable Christmas. 😊

  4. Natalia

    So beautiful soaps, as awlays!! Delicate, lovely swirled, so nicely coloured- always a pleasure to see them!
    Wshing you all the best for 2016: health, love, inspiration, good friends!!!

  5. ecovioletsoap

    Silvia, so sorry to hear about Chewie- I hope he is doing better. How wonderful that you can see Maya again and spend the New Year there. Have a safe trip and hope you have an awesome New Years! 😀

  6. Jenny

    I hope that you had a happy holiday season, Silvia! Have fun in Tokyo. I’m sorry to hear about Chewie – I hope that he is doing better soon. Best wishes to you in 2016!

  7. Anne-Marie Faiola

    That gift basket looks like a fabulous Christmas present. These soaps look so smooth and nourishing. Hope you both had a wonderful time celebrating the New Year in Tokyo. Safe travels! =)

  8. soapsbysly

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas season and great fun with Maya. I hope Chewie is on the mend too.
    Your soaps are all so beautiful – thanks for sharing the photos.
    I always look forward to your blogs and hope to see more soon.
    Have a great 2016.
    Sly (the other Sylvia!!)


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