Glorious Spring

Yesterday marked my 2nd blogsary, and I am sorely reminded that I have not posted anything the past 6 weeks. It’s not an excuse, but my husband and I were on holiday in Japan last month, and it takes me a while to get back to the swing of things.  I didn’t have problems getting back to soaping, but I haven’t picked up my camera since arriving.  I did take a lot of photos in Japan, so that is what I will be sharing today.

March to June are hot summer months here in the Philippines, so spending early spring in Japan was a cool and refreshing welcome.  We were lucky enough to catch the famed cherry blossoms, even though it was already towards the tail end of its short season. The blossoms were already falling from the trees – appearing like snow on the ground – but still a splendid sight to behold.


Cherry blossoms or sakura in Japanese.

I met Maya last October and I was so happy we were able to meet again and spend a whole day together!  As cherry blossom viewing can be a very crowded affair,  Maya took me somewhere quiet: the Aoyama Cemetery.  Maya explained that the Japanese don’t view death as something terribly morbid or sad.   The cemetery was beautiful and serene, and felt more like a park than anything else.

Sakura Aoyama

Cherry blossoms in Aoyama Cemetery.

After Aoyama, Maya took me to the Imperial Palace grounds. In stark contrast, it was teeming with people.  I even bumped into my business partner and his family!  How random is that? Maya and I didn’t have photos the first time we met, but this time, we made sure to capture the moment.

Japan 1

Maya 2

I love this photo of Maya with her hair blown by the wind.

Everywhere I look, there is always something that catches my eye. These camellias are just stunning:


And it’s not just the flowers.  Even tree trunks have awesome camo patterns!


From Tokyo, we took the train to go to Kyoto, the former imperial capital of Japan. One of the highlights of our trip was our relaxing and picturesque walk along the 2-km cherry blossom-lined Philosopher’s Path.

Philospher's Path 1

Philospher’s Path

I don’t know the names of these flowers, but I found them along our walk. Aren’t they so cute and beautiful?


On one end of the Philospher’s Path is the Silver Pavilion or Ginkakuji Temple.  Because of a friend who’s a moss lover, I couldn’t help but notice and be in awe of the lush moss that covered a significant part of the temple grounds. My friend was so jealous when I showed him the photos.


Silver Pavilion or Ginkakuji Temple

Ahh, spring. What a lovely lovely time of the year.  It’s nature in all its shining glory. 🙂




21 thoughts on “Glorious Spring

    1. soapjam Post author

      I hope you get to visit Japan, Darlene. Now is actually the perfect time with the yen significantly depreciated. There was a time when it was just too expensive to go there. 🙂

  1. Madame Propre

    What a great trip you had! I am very glad to discover Maya 🙂 one is always curious… I hope you will find time to post pictures of your latest soaps soon!

    1. soapjam Post author

      Isn’t Maya just lovely? 🙂 I need to schedule a day for a photo shoot and I shall be back to blogging about soap, Madame Propre. Thank you for reading. 🙂

  2. Maja

    Oh Silvia, I always so enjoy reading about your trips and watching your photos. Thanks for sharing, dear, it’s so relaxing dreaming away….
    (Glad to see Maya, somehow I always imagined her being a brunette, lol)

    1. soapjam Post author

      I am so glad to hear you enjoyed this travel post, Maja. 🙂 I really enjoy taking photos of nature, and as always, it was wonderful to meet up and chat away with Maya. 🙂

  3. jjbaze

    What an awesome trip and friendship you have made with Maya, great photos also.
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. soapjam Post author

      I feel very blessed for the opportunity to travel and to form a friendship with a fellow soaper and a beautiful person. Thank you jjbaze. 🙂

  4. ecovioletsoap

    Beautiful post with beautiful pictures! What an amazing trip – I am happy you got to meet Maya again and see more of Japan. I know what you mean about not posting for awhile- I have been MIA too. Hopefully after my final exams this week I can relax a bit. Hopefully we can reconnect again 🙂 Lately , I have neglected all my friends due to my workload. 😦

    1. soapjam Post author

      Getting a master’s degree is no easy feat, so I understand that you would hardly have time for anything else. When you are done with your studies, I look forward to seeing new blog posts from you, and to keeping in touch more regularly. 🙂

  5. Cee

    Wow, you captured spring in Japan so beautifully, thanks for sharing the photos with us. And you and Maya are such a cute pair…how lovely you got to meet again! 🙂

  6. Natalia

    Happy blog anniversary, Silvia!
    Thank you for sharing with us some of the photo’s, Japan is nice in all seasons, but it seems nicer in Spring and especially when 2 lovely persons got to meet there!

  7. soapjam Post author

    Thank you, Natalia! Japan is indeed gorgeous at this time of the year. And it was with excitement to catch up with Maya again. 🙂

  8. Amy@10th Ave.

    My, oh my! Those lovely blossoms, and such a lovely setting–it doesn’t even look real! Thanks for sharing pictures.

    (I’m not a flower expert, but those teeny purple flowers in the bottom right block are grape hyacinths–they’ve spread like mad in my flower beds.)

  9. soapjam Post author

    Lucky you! Those grape hyacinths are so cute! 🙂 I bet you are spending a lot of time outdoors during this lovely season. 🙂

  10. Jenny

    Wow, those are some beautiful photos, Silvia! Looks like you had a great time in Japan. The cherry blossoms and flowers are so pretty, and those camo tree trunks are so cool-looking!

  11. Monica

    Happy 2 bloggy years! 🙂 Congratulations on being an incredible soaper in such a short time!

    Thank you so much for sharing your photos! Yokohama is the sister city of Vancouver, and I can see why; the cherry blossoms run rampant here as well, and as you said they are incredibly beautiful. That was wonderful that you got to meet up with Maya again, I hope you have plenty more opportunities to visit her and share your photos with us.


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